Good Works And Christianity
Christianity is synonymous with good because our God´s nature is good. The theme is replicated all over the scriptures. One cannot be a Christian and not have good works. The fruits of the Holy Spirit that lives within us after accepting Christ are guide us to do good works as shown in Galatians 5:22-23, ´But the fruits of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control...´ These good works should not be done for publicity´s sake so that we may get the approval of men but should be done in silence because God sees what is done in secret and will reward you for it. It should also not be done so that we may exalt ourselves in our eyes as being righteous because good works do not benefit God but our fellow man. Our good works should also be extended to those that we consider to be our enemies and/ or those that hate us as guided by the Lord Jesus. Doing good to those who are good to us is easy and expected but doing i...