Unanswered Prayers

When you pray with covetousness in you heart God will not answer you. We pray when we are envious of our neighbor and want what he has, or so we may have more than them, or for fame God will not answer as shown in James 4:3, 'When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, that you may spend what you get on your pleasures.' God sees the motives in our heart, even when we ourselves do not want to see it. Sincere prayers for those that have submitted themselves to the Lord will be answered as the Lord will bless you exceedingly above and beyond your supplications.

The other thing we need to understand that God´s will is supreme, He is good in nature and therefore whatever He wills for us is good for us. When Jesus was praying at Mount Gethsemane at His final hour, He prayed for the ´cup´ to be taken away from Him but He also acknowledged that if it was God´s will that He drink it, then God´s will be done (He was referring to His imminent crucifixion Mathew 26:36-43). 
Lastly we also mistake a not now with a no response from God. You might be earnestly praying for something and even though to you it seems to be the right time to have it, God in all His wisdom and glory knows it is not the right time for you to have it and therefore responds to you with a wait. Our lack of differentiation of a no and a wait makes us to view it as a no answer.


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