Are You Going Where God is Going

Where are you? Where are you going? Are you going where God is going? God put this message in my heart, and I typically would post my messages in a status, but this one is lengthy, please, bear with me, I request of you. One of the easiest things for human beings to do is to be stagnant, to settle in one place, build around that place, and seek to go no further. We are not fans of change, or constant movement, quite frankly we despise it, because it costs us. What does it cost us? It costs us the ease of remaining in our comfort place, it causes us to give up what we have established, it costs us when we have to move from the known to the unknown, when we have to leave our traditions and formalities behind for something new, something different, it costs us when we have to change our own way, or a way passed on to us, for a new way. You may have noticed today that one of the big issues large organizations and businesses deal with daily, is the reluctance which we have towards change, to the extent that most job-seekers now cannot afford to exclude from their resumes their ability to be flexible and their openness to change, and this betters the chances for getting a job in this constantly changing society. It’s really quite ironic that we are so against movement or change, since everything around us is constantly moving/changing, our planet travels at 67,000 miles per hour around the sun, our seasons are constantly changing all year round, the clock is constantly moving, from morning to noon, evening to night and morning again, and even we are constantly aging, from young to old, until we are no more. Everything around us appears to teach us to be more adaptive to change and to not only be looking for change, but to be actively part of the movement. Where am I going with all of this? God does not want a stagnant people, though our nature loves it so. Church history as well as Israel’s history is full of instances where the people became caught up with their present place, caught up in their rituals, traditions, rejoicing in their present condition, so much that they failed to see the “move” of God. When God moves and the people stay there, they loose the presence of God, they are left powerless, they have no life, they become caught up with “religion”, with religious conflicts, with all kinds of falsehoods, they become saltless, making no impact in the world. Perhaps you may be seeing the same happening today. Do you recall what God told His people in Moses’s time? “The Lord our God spake unto us in Horeb, saying, Ye have dwelt long enough in this mount; Turn you, and take your journey and go….” Deut 1:6,7. Again we read that we are to move from “faith to faith” “from glory to glory”, Romans 1:17, 2 Cor 3:18. We are called Pilgrims for that purpose, a people who are constantly moving with God’s guidance to wherever the Spirit leads. In fact, if you study revivals, revivals are generally a period of time where God uses some person or group of people to remind His people that they have been in the same place too long, and hence have began to backslide, as one old man by the name of Brother Lawrence once said, “If we are not moving forward, we are going back”. I believe that God wants to take His people to continual new heights in their walk, both as individuals and as a body. So what am I saying? I believe God’s people today are in great danger, and we are most endangered in times of great revivals. There is a move of God today, though some may not know it, a move of God’s people of all denominations, of all cultures, of all races, and all backgrounds, a move towards holiness, a move towards biblical doctrine, a move towards truth. Allow me to emphasize again that it’s not a denominational move, nor is it a move towards some group, contrary to what some denominations or groups may have you thinking, God does not restrict His glory and power to any particular group of Christians, He is no respecter of persons (Romans 2:11). The danger that we now face today, in this period of God’s power, and great revelation, is to do as so many have done in the past, to rally around a group of people and once again create a “tent”, or a house around some particular denomination, person, or doctrine, and lose again the “move” of God, by exalting man or some particular doctrine above God, which ultimately leads to heresy and just a powerless self-exalthing church. Brethren, beloved of God, let’s not become complacent in what we have now received, let’s not boast in gifts, in a denomination, in a doctrine, in how much we now know, no boast in nothing at all, “but let him who boasts boast of this, that he understands and knows Me, that I am the LORD who exercises lovingkindness, justice and righteousness on earth; for I delight in these things," declares the LORD.” (Jeremiah 9:24). If we think we now know so much and have received so much light that we may boast about it, consider the infinite and unsearchable riches of God that no man has yet tasted, you have not reached the heights where you ought to be, no, you have only began the journey, be diligent then in seeking His face, and boast alone in the Lord, for it's by His grace that you are able to grow. The result of a people who boast in anything except the Lord is that they turn prideful, they become conceited and puffed up in their knowledge, and seek nothing more, and if they continue without “turning and taking their journey and going” as God said to Israel they will loose God’s covering and turn towards the world and every wicked thing, and fall in God’s judgment. I fear for “movements”, movements that I believe are truly from God, movements that inspire people for world missions, for biblical theology, movements for holiness, etc. These are movements God is using and has honored, but I fear that they will loose sight of the “move” of God, and begin to exalt in their own agenda or doctrine rather than God. Let us lay down our own agendas, our own pride and let us move with God, let all “movements” perish, and our own titles die, and let the glory of God alone be our aim and agenda. It’s a tragic thing when movements are elevated higher than the God of the move. Let us lift God’s people in prayer and may God bless and shield His people. Yours in the Lord Neville Freddy Mitch


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