
Showing posts from May, 2013

Reward For Your Deeds

Proverbs 15:3, 'The eyes of the LORD are everywhere, keeping watch on the wicked and the good.' The LORD is all seeing, keeping watch over your deeds, so if you are doing wrong, repent and He is merciful and faithful and He will forgive your iniquities and remember them no more. And if you are doing good, keep on doing good for He is faithful and just and will surely reward you. Do not be foolish to think that you can escape for those that have not called unto the name that can save, the name of Jesus, the Son of God, who came as a sacrificial lamb to redeem you, stand condemned. So repent, turn away from your sin and start doing good in faith and surely as He lives, He will reward you in this life and the one to come.

Let God Lead You

Proverbs 14:12, 'There is always a way that seems right to man, but in the end it leads to death.' Isn't this a telling proverb and a great reason to trust in the plan of God? You might be planning to do something that in your eyes seems to be right, a decision or plan that looks like it will benefit your tremendously, but later on, with the benefit of hindsight, you painfully realize that there was something ahead that you had not foreseen that brings so much pain and unravels your plan. But God, who sees the beginning from the end, He who has a wonderful plan for you, to give you hope and a future, if you let Him will guide your steps, your decisions, your plans to align with what He has in store for you and you will not be destroyed. Eve, when enticed by the Devil saw that the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil was beneficial and ate it, but that choice, led to the beginning of suffering, pain, separation and death for man. But God in His divine wisdom and beca...

The Honor of Work

Proverbs 14:23, 'All hard work brings profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty.' If we want to achieve something in life we need to do a honest days work. Each one of us was created for a purpose and that purpose involves you doing something. Our main purpose in life is to find out the plan God has for our life then living it. Unfortunately for most of us, either through coercion by our parents/ guardians - who have our best interest at heart, or through our own thinking led by envy, we tend to try and live someone else's plan that no matter how hard you work, you still end up being frustrated. Then we give up and start to day dream hoping that God will open our doors, our way refusing to listen to that still small voice within that is guiding you towards your destiny. Eventually we live unfulfilled lives without hope and a broken spirit. So we need to work and stop wasting our lives in mindless talk, or wallowing in self pity. God's favor is always upon you and H...

Love Your Child

Proverbs 13:24, 'He who spares the rod hates his son, but he who loves him is careful to discipline him.' We are all born with rebellion and pride in our hearts and that is why a small child does not need to be taught how to be selfish minding only about themselves and their needs. As parents and guardians, we have been given the responsibility of stewardship over the children God has blessed us with. We need to train, mentor, guide our children towards living right with God right from the time they are small because if you train a child to live in a certain way when they are small, those teachings will never depart from their heart. Now as a loving parent, when your child makes a mistake, you need to correct them to help them know the importance of loving others as much as themselves. In most cases, even for us adults, denying self is difficult and that is why you need when necessary to discipline your child with love including spanking them so that you uproot that bad beha...

Be Wise Woman

Proverbs 14:1, 'The wise woman builds her own house, but with her own hands the foolish one tears hers down.' It is a woman who turns a house into a home through her tenderness and caring heart. A wise woman of God knows this and through her noble character earns her husband's confidence, good and ensures that everything in the home is in ordered in its place by watching over the affairs of her home. Her husband will be honored and respected and he is sure to bless and praise her all the days of her life (Proverbs 31:10-31). But a foolish woman tears down her home by constant nagging, driving the husband away from the home, disparaging the name of her husband to everyone caring to listen, not watching over the affairs of her home, not instructing her children on the way to go. All this will bring curses and rebuke from her husband. O woman, be wise and build your home for prosperity and posterity. And if you lack wisdom ask God who gives generously to all without findin...

Perseverance Shall Win Through

James 1:12, 'Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love Him.' When we are born again and surrender our life to Christ, there is a struggle between the soul that wishes to please the self and the Spirit of God deposited within us that wishes to please God. The Devil through trials, tries to cause us to loose faith in God, to remove our trust in Him who conquers all and to trust ourselves. But those that love Him are called to stand firm, never loosing heart but trusting in Him who is the author and perfecter of our faith that He is faithful and will complete the work He has began in us. Jesus tells us in John 14:23 that we display our love for Him by living in obedience to Him, keeping His teachings that will lead us to life eternal that He gave unto us through His amazing grace at the cross. So despite all the enemy, who steals, robs and kills, might bring your w...