Love Your Child

Proverbs 13:24, 'He who spares the rod hates his son, but he who loves him is careful to discipline him.' We are all born with rebellion and pride in our hearts and that is why a small child does not need to be taught how to be selfish minding only about themselves and their needs. As parents and guardians, we have been given the responsibility of stewardship over the children God has blessed us with. We need to train, mentor, guide our children towards living right with God right from the time they are small because if you train a child to live in a certain way when they are small, those teachings will never depart from their heart. Now as a loving parent, when your child makes a mistake, you need to correct them to help them know the importance of loving others as much as themselves. In most cases, even for us adults, denying self is difficult and that is why you need when necessary to discipline your child with love including spanking them so that you uproot that bad behavior. No one dies from discipline but they can from lack of it.And remember, a child left to his own devises will ultimately become a tyrant. So love your child and don't shy away from your responsibility of disciplining them.


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