The Honor of Work

Proverbs 14:23, 'All hard work brings profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty.' If we want to achieve something in life we need to do a honest days work. Each one of us was created for a purpose and that purpose involves you doing something. Our main purpose in life is to find out the plan God has for our life then living it. Unfortunately for most of us, either through coercion by our parents/ guardians - who have our best interest at heart, or through our own thinking led by envy, we tend to try and live someone else's plan that no matter how hard you work, you still end up being frustrated. Then we give up and start to day dream hoping that God will open our doors, our way refusing to listen to that still small voice within that is guiding you towards your destiny. Eventually we live unfulfilled lives without hope and a broken spirit. So we need to work and stop wasting our lives in mindless talk, or wallowing in self pity. God's favor is always upon you and He made you uniquely for His purpose.


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