Sharpen the Saw

When an athlete is preparing for a tournament, he undergoes a rigorous training regiment to make himself physically fit. This scenario is replicated elsewhere when we are preparing ourselves for something major; a warrior cleans and sharpens his weaponry, a carpenter sharpens his saw, a teacher sharpens his mind. We need to train ourselves to be godly and alert, as we prepare ourselves in living in righteousness now and forever more. Paul told us this in 1 Timothy 4:8, 'For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come.'

If we do this the outcome will be reflected in our lives in how we relate to our neighbors, how we act, what we say. If we live in pretense of being righteous, our lack of genuineness will always come out the same way it will also come out if we are sincerely righteous. All will come out before men and before our Living God as revealed in 1 Timothy 5:24-25, 'The sins of some men are obvious, reaching the place of judgment ahead of them; the sins of other trail behind them. In the same way good deeds are obvious, even those that are not cannot be hidden.´

So live knowing that we must constantly renew our knowledge of the Lord by reading the bible and praying everyday.


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