God is Love
Our God the Almighty is unchanging and He declared it when He said ´I am who I am´ and that He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow yet some say there is a difference between the God of the Old testament and the new testament. They say that in the Old testament God was harsh while in the new testament He was more loving. But He is the same and has not changed a bit. The ten commandments given to Moses at Mount Sinai by God in Exodus 20:1-17, are edicts of what we are not supposed to do because before the coming of Christ, our hearts were stony and were rebellious so as to guide our actions towards being obedient to and LOVING Him. The law was not an end unto itself and was not our way to salvation but due to our deadened hearts, it was meant to lead us to where God ultimately lead us through Jesus. When Jesus came to earth, He summed the ten commandments up into two in Mark 12:28-31, ´One of the teachers of the law came and heard them debating. Noticing that Jesus...