Known By Name

Exodus 33:17, ‘And the LORD said to Moses, “I will do everything you have asked, because I am pleased with you and I know you by name.”’ God knows all of us and everything about us for He says that even before we are born, He knows us. But God had an intimate and personal relationship with Moses; He met him face to face! The reason this happened was because Moses had pleased God. And how can we please God, by living a life of total submission and obedience. Moses had abandoned everything and done everything God had asked of Him, even when it did not make sense to Him; He trusted in and humbled himself to the Lord. And when you live a life of obedience, God will grant every desire and request of your heart because your will is based upon His perfect and good will for your life and everything that you ask for you will find that He has already given unto you. This will give you the confidence to ask, knowing that your requests and petitions have already been answered. Abraham, a man who lived a life of total submission and obedience to God, when God revealed the plan to destroy the evil cities of Sodom and Gomorrah asked God not to destroy the city if only there were fifty righteous people in the city and God granted Him the request, and he went further until ten and the Lord God Almighty did not deny Him his petition. So it is also with us, if we live a life of obedience to God, doing the only work that He expects of us, and that is to believe in Jesus the Christ, the Anointed One of God, and submit to Him as our Lord and Savior, then what we ask is already granted. Please Him and be Known by name as the child of God.


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