Let God Make You Upright

Ecclesiastes 6:29, ‘This only have I found: God made mankind upright, but men have gone in search of many schemes.’ When God made Adam, he was perfect, filled with the Spirit of God. But Adam rebelled against God’s authority by disobeying Him. Since then we have been living life chasing our own schemes which is vanity because no matter what we chase, we will never be satisfied. Now through the second Adam, Jesus the Christ, we have been made upright again by faith through the grace of God. In Christ we can now stand confidently before God, because we are clothed by the righteousness of Christ, who at the cross ,became our sin and faced the righteous judgment of God for our sins so that we are now no longer slaves but children of the living God. If you depend on yourself, you will always be chasing after worthless schemes that will lead down the path of death and destruction. I urge dear reader, make the choice of letting God make you righteous again.


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