God’s Love For Mankind
Hi guys and welcome to today’s inaugural show of ‘In Search of God’ that is all about finding and knowing our God. God loves us so much but sadly for most of us we are not aware or do not really appreciate the extent and depth of this love. We are told of this love in John 3:16 that says, ‘For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son…’. Can you just imagine that for a minute, God sending His Divine Son to live like a man, a creature lower than angels ,and not only live but to experience a shameful death of a at the cross that He did not deserve at all and worse still to bear the sins of mankind, heaped upon Him at the cross and suffer separation from the Father, something that had not happened since the beginning of time. Now why does God do that, why does He put His Son through all this, ‘… so that whoever believes in Him, the Son, should not perish but have eternal life.’ In other words, to redeem the fallen and oppressed, that is us and free us from the consequen...