God’s Love For Mankind

Hi guys and welcome to today’s inaugural show of ‘In Search of God’ that is all about finding and knowing our God. God loves us so much but sadly for most of us we are not aware or do not really appreciate the extent and depth of this love. We are told of this love in John 3:16 that says, ‘For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son…’. Can you just imagine that for a minute, God sending His Divine Son to live like a man, a creature lower than angels ,and not only live but to experience a shameful death of a at the cross that He did not deserve at all and worse still to bear the sins of mankind, heaped upon Him at the cross and suffer separation from the Father, something that had not happened since the beginning of time. Now why does God do that, why does He put His Son through all this, ‘… so that whoever believes in Him, the Son, should not perish but have eternal life.’ In other words, to redeem the fallen and oppressed, that is us and free us from the consequences and power of sin. How sweet is that, how awesome that God loves me even when I am a rebellious sinner still, then how much more will He love me when I come to Him, seek Him with all my heart, soul and mind. I don’t know about you but this just leaves me in awe like King David to wonder what I am to Him that God should care so much for me and ransom me from the Devil with the blood of His only Son. The truth is that God cares for you and me now and personally, He knew you before you were formed in your mother’s womb, and He is reaching out to you and all you have to do to access this boundless love of the Father is to make a choice. Make a choice to believe in His Son, Jesus the Christ, the one that loved you so much that He set aside His Divinity and lived on earth as man, took up your sins and punishment and laid down His life for yours. Today as you think about God’s love for us let us also love others because God is love and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God and whoever does not love is not of God because God is love. Let us who are the body of Christ and have been filled with the boundless love of our God share this love with those that are feeling all alone, unloved and deserted so that we can share in their burden with them and also share with them the love and peace of God that has been given freely to us. Talk to us, let us know when and how you have experienced God’s love in your life. Until next week get to know of this God who loves you more intimately and experience it for yourself.


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