Is God’s Justice Just?

Job 34:17-30, ‘Can he who hates justice govern? Will you condemn the just and mighty One? Is He not the One who says to Kings, “You are worthless,” and to nobles, “You are wicked,” who shows no partiality to princes and does not favor the rich over the poor, for they are all the works of his hands? They die in an instant in the middle of the night; the people are shaken and they pass away; the mighty are removed without human hand. His eyes are on the ways of men; He sees their every step. There is no dark place, no deep shadows, where evil doers can hide. God has no need to examine men further, that they should come before Him for judgment. Without enquiry He shatters the mighty and sets up others in their place. Because He takes note of their deeds, He overthrows them in the night and they are crushed. He punishes them for their wickedness where everyone can see them, because they turned from following Him and had no regard for any of His ways. They caused the cry of the poor to come before Him, so that he heard the cry of the needy. But if He remains silent, who can condemn Him? Yet he is over man and nation alike, to keep a godless man from ruling, from laying the snares for the people.’ God is omniscient and omnipresent meaning that He is all knowing and all seeing. He sees and knows things that no man’s eyes can see, things hidden deep inside the heart. He knows and sees the end from the beginning. But us with our limited view, our limited knowledge, our limited thinking, claim that God does not know us, that He does not know our goodness, that He judges us harshly, we come before Him seeking ‘an appeal’, to have Him hear out our case afresh, to give us the opportunity to defend ourselves, to allow us to present all facts, so that He may rescind His judgment on us as sinners, as having fallen short of the glory of God. We use the evil in the world to justify our opinions. We ask ourselves how can a good and a just God allow the wickedness to prevail and prosper, how can He allow the wicked to oppress the righteous and continue living, why do the believers get sickness. Why oh why, we ask. Yet the answer is quite simple. We complain, grumble and raise our fists at God saying that all these shows that our God, our Most High and Holy God, is unjust. That He does not care about His people who He calls by His name. This world that we are now living in is cursed because of sin, cursed through the sin of Adam, and the dominion given to Adam that He surrendered to the enemy Satan, He uses to steal, kill and destroy. But nothing can happen to this world that is not the will of God, nothing can happen that He has not caused nor allowed to happen. He has made us a promise, that while we are living here on earth, He will cause everything to work out for the good for those that love Him, those that live in obedience to Him and for His eternal glory. And everything also includes the evil, the hurt, the pain, the trials, the tribulations, the persecutions. All these He will use to work out in your favor. But this favor may not necessarily be presented in the same manner as what you may have in mind but it will be for your eternal good. Just remember this that a sinless and guiltless man, died a wretched death, faced The wrath of God’s just fury, bore the sins of all the world that He did not deserve to bear, so that you could be in right standing with God, so that you could boldly stand in the presence of the Lord without any condemnation, so that God’s face could shine upon you. This man, the only Son of God, is Jesus and if He had not faced the cross, you would not be having that second chance that you now have and as a believer are enjoying. Rejoice in the justice of our God, rejoice in His love and boundless grace, rejoice in our Lord our God, Halleluya!!


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