Am Just A Wretched Sinner

Exodus 33:3, ‘…But I will not go with you, because you are a stiff-necked people and I might destroy you on the way.’ On my own I am nothing but a wretched sinner not worthy to be in the presence of the Lord. I try to live a right life but I do what I do not want to do and do not do what I want to do. Left to myself, to my own devises, I face certain death and am doomed to destruction for the Lord is not with me. I am arrogant, selfish, all alone. I deserve death, my full pay for my scorn is eternal shame. I thought I had nothing to look forward to but doomed to burn in the lake of fire, that is until I was told about Jesus, how He set aside His divinity and came to live like a lowly creature He had created, how He faced scorn and God’s righteous judgment at the cross for all my sins, how He had redeemed me, how He had interceded on my behalf finding a ransom for me, how he had lifted me out of my death pit and lifted me to heaven and how now I have a received a gift, something that I do not deserve at all, something that I can never earn, for now am not called a wretched sinner any more, but a saint of God, the fellowship of the church, the body of Jesus of which Christ is the head. Oh what glorious news, oh what a joy and hope to know, that I am now a child of God through Jesus Christ! I rejoice and praise His holy name. I surrender to you my Lord and savior, clean the innermost parts of me, wash me clean with your holy water, your word that lives forever, build me up and complete me so that I may be just like you, living a life of obedient and submissive love for you.


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