Worship Only Yahweh

Exodus 23:24, ‘You shall not bow down to their gods, nor serve them, nor do according to their works; but you shall utterly overthrow them and completely breakdown their sacred pillars.’ It is written, ‘You shall worship the Lord your God, and Him only shall you serve.’ In this world there are many gods that demand worship from us but we need to be vigilant that we do not succumb and idol worship. Before salvation, we unknowingly or knowingly worship these gods in our life. Through salvation we denounce all other gods and submit and surrender ourselves to the true living God. We recognize our foolishness and acknowledge that there is no other god but Him. After salvations we are aliens in the world being here but not of here. But these other gods of this world are treacherous and want and demand we worship them through enticement, deception or force. But we must renounce them with everything, choosing to serve only our Lord God. Anything that is an altar, a place of worship, should be utterly overthrown and completely destroyed. These gods include self, religion, family, friends, fame, money, power, beauty… anyone or anything that tries to share with the glory of God is an idol that should be utterly overthrown and completely destroyed. Turn your back to them like Jesus and command them to depart from your presence for you have purposed in your heart to worship and serve the Lord your God only.


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