Is Your Faith Bearing Fruit

Hebrews 6:7-8, ´Land that drinks in the rain often falling on it and that produces a crop useful to those for whom it is farmed receives the blessings of God. But land that produces thorns and thistles is worthless and is in danger of being cursed. In the end it will be burned.´

The word of God that we receive is like the rain on a parched land that nourishes it back to life. When we receive this word, we are brought back from the brink of death to an everlasting life. Now to us that have received the word, there are two expectations placed upon us. First we must not remain spiritual infants who are weak and continuously falling into the temptations of Satan and Secondly, we should share the good news and bring others to Christ Jesus.

We have a responsibility of facilitating our spiritual growth improving our relationship in and with Christ by reading the scriptures to strengthen our faith and banish our ignorance of the truth, regularly going to God in prayer, continuously demonstrating our trust and obedience to God and by doing good works. As we grow and continue to experience the joy and peace of living in Christ, then we are required to share this good news about life in Christ with unbelievers so that the Holy Spirit may convict them of their sin.

If you do not accept the word of God that you have heard to take root in your heart, or water it so that the seed of faith may grow and blossom into a tree with strong branches able to support birds, provide shade, withstand strong winds, but allow it to become parched and die, you will stand condemned and will not escape damnation during your judgment.

To whom much is given much is expected. Ensure that your heart is fertile soil for the growth of the seed of faith so that you may not lose your inheritance.


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