Righteousness in Christ

Philippians 3:9, '...not having a righteousness of my own that comes through the law, but that which is through faith in Christ- the righteousness that comes from God and is by faith.´ We can claim to astute followers of the ten commandments, legalistic righteousness, just as Paul when he was Saul did, he was a Pharisee, well versed in the laws of Moses and a persecutor of Christ believers, whom he saw as blasphemers, yet he was still a sinner until he realized that righteousness does not come from the law but from Christ Jesus our Lord and Saviour. It comes from our faith that Jesus Christ died to atone for our sin, that he was a God given sacrifice, and that knowing him and the power of his resurrection is our key to salvation.

Understanding and accepting this is the key to our salvation. Like Paul we should acknowledge that everything that drives us away from Christ (including religion) is a loss in our life and that our number one pursuit should be to know Christ Jesus our Lord and Saviour.


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