Supreme God

The world today has attempted to bring God to our level, looking upon Him as our buddy, somebody who needs to lighten up and cut us some slack. We have failed to realise the supreme worth of God. Science and scientist have attempted to cast aspersions as to God´s role in creation. We seem to think that our minds are infallible, our thinking sure proof which has lead us to believe in the fallacy that we are the masters of this universe, relegating God from a deity to a superstition.

What a pity on us. We do not really grasp what we are doing. We became God´s sons and daughters through Jesus Christ but this should not make us forget who our God is. We should approach His throne with reverence, obedience and gratitude. In Exodus 33:20, ´No man can see my face and live.´ is testimony to the inestimable majesty of our God.

Therefore as you approach the true living God, who is the Lord of Lords, compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness, maintaining love to thousands and forgiving wickedness, rebellion and sin, we should show appropriate sorrow for sin, and listen to hear His whispers' to us as we worship, praise and give thanks to Him.


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