Idols in the heart of men

Our hearts are the Lord´s temple and when we give precedence to materiality and material things in our hearts, we alienate ourselves from the Lord. An idol is anything that takes the place of the Lord in our hearts, something that we are willing to sacrifice all else to attain. The Lord tells us this in Ezekiel 14:7-8, "When any Israelite or any alien living in Israel separates himself from Me and sets up idols in his heart and puts a wicked stumbling block before his face and then goes to a prophet to enquire of Me, I the Lord will answer him myself. I will set My face against that man and make him an example and a byword. I will cut him off from my people. Then you will know that I am the Lord."
How many of us worship things, position, favour of men and are willing to give up their soul to attain them, is it a worthy cause to pay. When will we wake up. The Lord tell us to repent!, to turn away from our idols and renounce all our despicable practices. Are we willing to?
Escape from New Age Materialism


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