God of Compassion and Mercy

Psalm 116:5-7, ‘The LORD is gracious and righteous; our God is full of compassion. The LORD protects the simple hearted; when I was in great need He saved me. Be at rest once more, O my soul, for the LORD has been good to you.’ Before we knew Christ, we were living in slavery to sin and to the Evil one, but now that we know Christ, we have been set free and free indeed! Our freedom, we did not earn but by the grace of God, His free mercy and compassion, He forgave us, once and for all in and through Christ. We were in great need of His salvation fro we were doomed to the pit, the lake of fire that had been made for the Prince of Darkness and His fallen angels, yet because of His love and compassion for man, Jesus came, shedding His divinity and choosing to live lover than angels, taking on the life of a servant, He redeemed us by His blood, at the cross, and all we have to do is to be childlike in our minds, believing that He is the Son of the living God and that He died and rose again and that in Him we are now FORGIVEN!, our sins will be remembered no more, we died to our carnality and our selfish nature on the cross with Him and that we are reborn in spirit in Him at His resurrection, then allow Him to be Lord over your life, surrendering your will to His will, and allowing Him to transform you to His likeness. Then and only then shall our soul be in peace because the great deceiver will have no hold on us with His guilt and condemnation for our sins will be blotted out from the memory of God. God has been surely good to us, not giving us what we deserve but giving us what we do not deserve in Christ, clothing us in the righteousness of Christ, Hallelujah, Praise be to the Most High, who is merciful and compassionate and loves us beyond measure.


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