Persevere to Maturity

Job 34:2-9, ‘Hear my words you wise men; listen to me, you men of learning. For the ears tests words as the tongue tastes food. Let us discern for ourselves what is right; let us learn together what is good. Job says, “I am innocent, but God denies me justice. Although I am right, I am considered a liar; although I am guiltless, his arrows inflicts an incurable wound.” What man is like job, who drinks scorn like water? He who keeps company with evildoers; he associates with wicked men. For he says, “It profits a man nothing when he tries to please God.” Most of us think that we are generally good people, we go to church on Sunday, we pay our tithes, we support charity, are kind to others, do good and therefore believe that this should automatically give us a pass to heaven. But when most of us are faced with persistent hardships and trials, injustice, persecution and challenges, we tend to start grumbling, complaining to God that we do not deserve what we are going through and that He has abandoned us. During these troubles, most of us are even willing to forsake the LORD so long as we will find other means of reprieve from our problems. We feel like Job on his bed of sores that it profits man nothing to please God because whether you are good or bad, troubles will always be with you. We feel forsaken, alone and abandoned by God. We start to question His justice looking at it as being unfair to us even after we have done all the good that we have been doing. But believer our LORD is a just God, He remembers and upholds the righteous while He punishes and uproots the guilty. He never allows you to carry a burden you cannot handle. He provides sufficient grace to enable you pass through the difficult times that are testing your faith in Him so that it may develop perseverance which is necessary to finish the work in you for you to be mature and complete spiritually, not lacking anything.


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