Fear not the Plans of the Wicked

Psalm 112:10, ‘The wicked man will see and be vexed, he will gnash his teeth and waste away; the longings of the wicked will come to nothing.’ We should live in this world fear free, doing what the Lord has put into our hearts without fear of persecution because their plans to stop you from enjoying God’s peace, joy and hope; to dissuade you from believing in good purpose for your life and getting fulfillment from living and achieving your destiny; to keep you from exercising your power over sin; to keep you from experiencing God’s unconditional, selfless and boundless love; to keep you from maturing and growing spiritually into all you are meant to be; to keep you paralyzed with fear and many other reasons. Elisha once told us that we should not fear because those that are with us are more and greater than those that are with the wicked. They may go to witch doctors, they may harm your body but Jesus warned us to be very wary of who destroys the soul, that is the Devil, who is the prince of Darkness and the prince of this world, who controls the wicked with feelings of jealousy, pride and envy that cause them to plan evil against the blessed righteous but despite of all these and more, be steadfast and firm remaining in faith in He who called you to Himself, never giving up never losing hope and nothing will come of the longings of your enemies.


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