Hope in Righteousness

Psalm 112:4, ‘Even in darkness light dawns for the upright, for the gracious and compassionate and righteous man.’ We are living in dark times full of strife, tribulations, hate, wickedness, rebellion, anger, collapse and death, a state that leads to despair, discouragement and hopelessness. Look at the news, the internet, social media and hang outs, what we hear and see is depressing. But there is good news for the believer, because God has promised never to forsake us and that we should place all our trust in Him, believing that He will make our crooked way straight, that even when others are afflicted by the plagues of death and suffering, we will not be touched that His angels will not allow us to fall even when we stumble. As believers, we are more than conquerors and God works everything for the good for those that have faith in Him. Even in this difficult and trying times, do not loose hope, do not allow fear into your heart because fear will stifle and strangle your faith. You have power and authority over this world in and through Christ that strengthens you. He who called you is faithful and will keep His promises made unto you, He knew you before you were, He has wonderful plans to prosper you and provide you a hop and a future. He is able to do exceeding above and beyond what we ask or imagine! All you have to do is to live a life of obedience to Him, surrender your will to His, allow Him into your life, let Him be the Lord over your life, and He will lead you to paths of righteousness, He will restore your soul, He cause your cup to overflow with goodness, blessings and favor. Alone you are constrained by your circumstances but with Christ, you will be able to soar above the difficulties like the eagle, getting our strength from Him. Our only hope lies in trusting God.


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