Choosing Your Master

Hebrews 13:5, ‘Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.” ’ In whom or what have you placed your trust and hopes. Is it your wealth and money, like the rich young man that came to Jesus asking for the way to salvation, or is it in God? Having money is not a sin in itself but loving it to the extent that you are not willing to give it up for the glory of God is. Jesus told us that it is impossible to love two masters, you will love one and hate the other so do not mislead yourself into thinking that you can love both to the same degree. The society we live in is one of scarcity mentality where we are conditioned (thanks to the Devil and our carnal nature) to want to accumulate more than we need. We are never content with what we have. It is never enough no matter how much we have. We want to have a sense of security and obtain our value about ourselves from what we have, our wealth, our position, our influence. But trust in God requires faith and contentment which is peace in our current situation no matter how bleak it looks because we now that our God who is always with us and will never leave us will always provide for our needs. It requires for us to believe in His words and promises in us because He is faithful and will do what He has promised to. So where will you place your trust?


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