Honoring Marriage

Hebrews 13:4, ‘Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure, for God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral.’ The world is trying so much to dishonor the marriage bed. There all kinds of things that are promoting adultery and sexual immorality and the worse thing is that they have been even made accessible to our children. The FM shows we listen to on our way to work and school and when we come back in the evening, the tv shows being aired during prime time when children are watching tv, the innuendos in some of the cartoons they show all promote sexual licentiousness. We have become so immune and accustomed to it that it has become normal to us that even the church is allowing some of it all in the name of being liberal. The dresses/ skirts are becoming shorter, the trousers tighter, the messages diluted, and their lecherous intentions more vivid. Our bodies are the Lord’s temple so we should respect them by offering them in holy sacrifice and the marriage institution is ordained by God as a lifetime institution where God has hidden a mystery within and those that dishonor it will be judged by Him.


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