Sin and Righteousness

Jobs 35:6-8, ‘If you sin, how does that affect Him (God)? If your sins are many, what does that do to Him? If you are righteous, what do you give to Him, or what does He receive from your hand? Your wickedness affects only a man like yourself, and your righteousness only the sons of men.’ Most of us tend to think that by not sinning we are doing God a favor but to think of it, how does it affect Him if we kill, steal, rob, commit, adultery and all manner of sins. It only men like you that you are causing harm to that are feeling the effects of your sins but God loves each one of us immensely and it grieves Him when we hurt each other. There is no way that you can claim to love God yet you hate your fellow man, it is just absurd and duplicitous because you cannot harbor both feelings in your heart at the same time and a true testament of a believer of Christ is love for your fellow man.


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