Focus on Jesus

Mathew 14:29-31, ‘“Come,” he (Jesus) said. Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came towards Jesus. But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, “Lord save me!” Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him.’ Many of us when we receive an inspiring word from God, we are full of faith and we believe in Jesus. We take hold of the promise God has put in us and move in power in it accomplishing amazing and supernatural feats, walking on water so to speak. At that moment our eyes are firmly fixed on Jesus who is our Lord. But the moment we start to experience some turbulence, opposition, trouble, we start to doubt, we panic and start to focus on them rather than on who gave us the promise and power and our faith in the promise of God start to weaken and then we begin to sink. At that moment our Lord who is faithful and full of love for us reaches out and catches us from sinking in the dark bottomless pit. For our faith to grow strong, we need to focus on Jesus who is the author of our faith and not pay any attention to the distractions of the world which only bring fear, anxiety and worry in our life.


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