Promotion in Christ
John 15:14, 15, ‘You are my friends if you do what I command. I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master’s business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from the Father I have made known to you.’ In Jesus we are now joint heirs of the promises made by the Father having power and authority and dominion over everything of this world and the one to come through Jesus. Rejoice because we are no longer servants but brothers with Christ, sharing with Him His glory. Having learned everything from Him, we are now empowered with the knowledge of truth and no longer fall prey to the Devil who prowls like a lion waiting for someone to devour. We are now able to resist the Devil in Christ. Then what shall I say of the Day that He promised to come back in full glory, I longingly await for it with joy and hope trusting that I will be made just as He is, having been crowned with His righteousness, because my God is faithful and will not ...