God is Love

John 13: 34, 35, ‘A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.’ The world today is very cold. A video about Chinese insensitivity went viral awhile back showing how over ten ordinary people went by a young girl who had been run over by a truck before someone cared enough (ironically it was a person looked down upon by the society) to call for help for her to get medical attention. Unfortunately the young girl did not make it through. Am sure many of us think that if we had been in a similar situation we would have reacted differently, but is this really the case? How many of us when faced with a situation where our fellow human being requires our assistance shrink away, pretending not to have seen them, or move to the other side of the road to avoid coming into contact with them? This is even evident in the church. How many take time to visit with that new believer when s/he fails to come to church to find out what is wrong, how many are willing to go out of their way to know that stranger in the congregation and if there is any way that you can show them love and concern. This is reminiscent of the story of the Good Samaritan told by Jesus of how the person most looked down upon in the story, cared for and showed love for a stranger taking care of their wounds, even to the extent of spending his own money in taking care of him, someone he did not know and was even considered an enemy. Jesus so loved the world that first He set aside His divinity to come and give us salvation and redeem us unto God, secondly He had compassionate for the suffering, healing the sick and thirdly He had His disciples set money aside to provide for needs of the poor. If we claim to be His believers we need to follow His example, doing it not as a duty but from a deep love and concern for the well being of our dear brothers and sisters. Let us honor and glorify God with this command that He gave unto us, let us love one another as a living example so that the world may truly know what it means to be Christ filled.


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