
John 13:31, 32, ‘… Now is the Son of Man glorified and God is glorified in Him. If God is glorified in Him, God will glorify the Son in Himself, and will glorify Him at once.’ Through obedience to the Father, Jesus the Son of God was glorified, being resurrected from the dead in all glory with the power to bring to life, the dead in heart, that is you and me who were living sinful lives. Through that act of obedience God was glorified in the Son as being the Holy, merciful, faithful and just God. By His sacrifice of His one and only Son, we glorify God for His abounding grace and love for mankind. Now when we are born again in Jesus Christ and die to ourselves and submit to live a life of total surrender and obedience to the will of Christ over our lives, we glorify the Son, who is in us by living in righteous not due to our own ability but through Christ who strengthens us. The Son then glorifies the Father through us and we are in turn glorified by the Father. Let us therefore allow Jesus the Son of God to do His work in us, so that we may become perfect and complete and be glorified by the Father for bringing Him glory through the Son.


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