The Power of Unity

Mathew 18:19,20, ‘Again, I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by my Father in Heaven. For where two or three come in together my name, there am I with them.’ The church is a fellowship of two or more believers and where believers gather, Jesus Christ, who is the groom of the church is also present. When we are united, we exhibit and experience the love of God in our lives. When we come before Him in this love and ask for anything in faith, God is faithful and will answer our prayer. This revelation means that a praying husband and wife have immense power to influence and change the world. If they come together in prayer before God, and ask for anything according to His will, they are bound to receive it abundantly above and beyond, what they asked for or imagined receiving. Therefore for our prayers to be answered, we need to stay in unity as a church.


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