Living a Life of Sacrifice

Luke 14:25-27, ‘Large crowds were traveling with Jesus, and turning to them he said: “If anyone comes to me and does not hate his father and mother, his wife and children, his brothers and sisters – yes, even his own life – he cannot be my disciple. And anyone who does not carry his cross and follow me cannot be my disciple.’ Carnality is the expressing of loving self above everything else including God. It is when we glory in our abilities, our achievements, ourselves, glorifying ourselves for these things that we have received from the Father. In this state we are proud of ourselves and believe that we do not need God. Jesus gave us a good example of what humility is. He being God in all respect, willingly shed His divinity to come and live and die here on earth as a servant, a death that would lead to His separation from His Father, something that had not happened since the beginning of time. He willingly obeyed the will of the Father to face our punishment that He did not deserve, accepting to taste death so that we might live. We who are followers of Christ are called to live a life of obedience and sacrifice. He commanded us to love one another, to spread the gospel and to proudly identify ourselves as being His. These very acts are perilous to us and our lives because of the hate the prince of this world harbors for Him because He has suffered defeat at His hands and is willing to do anything to silence us, including even killing us, so that we do not bring this news to others to enable them escape from the shackles of slavery and bondage they now live in. We will find ourselves at crossroads with the world, which may include even our immediate family and friends who will try to hinder us from living our lives for Jesus. This is our cross that we need to carry in our life of being followers of Christ. Are you ready to carry your cross and live a perfect life of sacrifice pleasing to God?


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