The Seasoning of Life

Mathew 5:13, ‘You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled by men.’ Believers are the seasoning of this life that we are living in this earth. This life is full of trouble, strife, hate, anger, tribulations, persecutions and heart aches but we as Christians are able to rise above all these and exhibit peace, joy and love in spite of the circumstances we are faced with, the opposition coming against us, we are supposed to give out hope to the world by living as Jesus, helping the less fortunate, caring for the needy, loving even those that persecute us. A believer’s life is one full of love, joy and power and if you do not live your life in love and power as an ambassador of the heavenly Kingdom that is lead by a loving and powerful Father, then you are no better than the lost of this world. You need to know who you are in Christ and stop living a carnal, defeated, confused life.


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